Gargoyles were viewed two ways by the church throughout history. Often gargoyles were used to assist the Church in conveying messages to the common people. Due to literacy being uncommon, images were the best way to constantly convey ideas. Gargoyles were used as a representation of evil. It is thought that they were used to scare people into coming to church, reminding them that the end of days is near. It is also thought that their presence assured congregants that evil is kept outside of the church’s walls. However, some medieval clergy viewed gargoyles as a form of idolatry.
Animal Gargoyles
i) Lions
Lions were the most common non-native animal crafted as a gargoyle in the medieval period. In ancient times, the lion was linked to the sun, most likely due to its golden mane bearing similarity to the solar wreath of the sun. Lion gargoyles were popular with the ancient Greeks and were frequently used on houses in Pompeii during Roman times. During the medieval period lions became the symbol of pride, one of the 7 deadly sins. Cats other than lions were rare among gargoyle carvings because of their dark nature and association with Satanism and Witchcraft.
ii) Dogs
Dogs were the most common native animal crafted as a gargoyle. Dogs were seen as faithful, loyal, and intelligent, making them excellent guardians. They were, however, not without their faults. Their well-known hunger and tendency to steal food from kitchens showed that even dogs were vulnerable to the Devil's temptation.
iii) Wolf
Although the wolf was a feared creature in medieval times, it was also respected. Wolves have the ability to live and cooperate as a pack which gave rise to the metaphor that a wolf could be a leader of a pack and protect the members. This was linked to priests who would fight off the evil
of the Devil for the common folk. The wolf was also linked to the deadly sin of greed.
iv) Eagle
A powerful bird who was said to be able to slay dragons. Eagles were respected for their ability to see far away objects, and were also said to renew themselves by looking into the sun (accounting for the glint always seen in the eagle’s eye in paintings).
Chimeras are merely carvings of faces (usually grotesque) or mixes of different types of animal body parts to create a new creature. Some of the more notable chimeras are griffins, centaurs, harpies, and mermaids. Chimeras often served as a warning to people who underestimated the devil.
vi) Snake
From the story of Adam and Eve, the serpent represents a struggle between good and evil. The serpent was related to the deadly sin 'envy'. They were also thought to be immortal due to the shedding of their skin. This gave rise to the symbol for immortality being the Ouroboros, a serpent with a tail in its mouth.
vii) Goat
The goat had two viewpoints in medieval times. One perspective was that the goat was equated with Christ due to its ability to climb steep slopes and find edible food. On the other side it was seen as a symbol for lust and even linked to Satan.
viii) Monkey
Monkeys were seen as what happened to humans when nature went awry. They were thought to be stupid creatures, and their intelligence was misrepresented as cunning. The monkey was linked to the deadly sin of ‘sloth’.
A Story About Gargoyles
("God Bless The Gargoyles" By Dav Pilkey)
In a long-ago time, when long ago peoples were building cathedrals and raising p steeples, they crafted stone creatures and set them on perches to guard and protect and watch over churches. So Gargoyles were born, and they stood night and day, keeping evil and terrible spirits away.
And ne'er was a creature so true and so loyal as the watchful, courageous, and fearless Gargoyle.
But the years came and went, and the people did, too. And in time, they forgot what theit ancestors knew. And whenever they passed by the Gargoyles' lairs, they trembled in fear at the Gargoyles' stares.
And as time went along, people's fear trend to spite, and they sneered and they cursed at the guardians of night: "demons!" they grumbled--"grotesque" and "horrid!"
"those beasts don't belong on the house of the lord!" when the Gargoyles heard these words that were spoken, their stony old hearts became crumbled and broken. Then storms rumbled in, and
their eyes filled with rain, and in stillness they stayed, alone and in pain.
But as it so happened, some angels were near, and heeding the grief of the Gargoyle's tear, they each fluttered down from the heavens on high to sit with the Gargoyles beneath, thundering skies. Now, angels have ways of making things right, so they stayed with the Gargoyles all throught the night, patting their heads and wiping their tears and whispering life into Gargoyles ears. And soon all the Gargoyles did magical things: they gurgled and coughed and shook out their wings. Then together angels and Gargoyles took flight, and they soared through te clouds on a blustery night, and while over pastures and hills they were winging, the voices of angels were radiantly singing music of healing and songs of rebirth to all of the creatures in all of the earth:
"God bless the rain, and the storms clouds that bring it.
God bless the music, and the voices that sing it.
God bless the ones who sing everything wrong.
God bless the cratures who do not belong
God bless the hearts and the souls who are grieving for those who have left, and for those who are leaving.
God bless each perishing body and mind,
God bless all cratures remaining behind.
God blees the dreamers whoe dreams have awoken.
God bless the lovers whose hearts have been broken.
God bless each soul that is tortured and taunted,
God bless all creatures alone and unwanted."
And the Gargoyles beheld behind whereve they roamed that he souls of the lost weren't really alone. Each one had an angel, each on was protected, and each one was cherised and loved and respected.
And so it is true with the Gargoyles this day, for all aof the angels who love them have stayed. And together they wait untill days become nights, to embark on their dark and most glorious flights. So if you see shapes in the night sky, don't fear -- for it simply means angels and Gargoyles are near, easing the earth with their gentle night call"
"God blees the Gargoyles, God bless us all."
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